[WP_OS] Wolfpack of Steel

Strength and Honor


If you join us we will make you this promise:

1. There is No special requirements.
2. You will be allowed to join us regardless of your stats or ratings.
3. You will be allowed to join us regardless of what tanks you have.
4. Tier Requirements - Minimum Tier 6
5. It is desirable to use Discord during the battles.
6. From time to time, when you are available, you could take part in Clan activity.
7. You can play at your own pace, but you will be excluded if you do not active for more than 6 months!

Статистика клана

Количество членов: 5

Ø битв31618
Ø WN81134,06
Ø процент побед49,06%

Члены клана

Статистика стычек


История клана

Имя игрокаИзменениеДата