[THEOG] The-Old-Gang



The Old Gang is a group of friends with a knack for casual gaming. However there are a few of us who are interested in competitive gaming! If this sounds good to you why not apply and check us out!

We are a newly created group which is looking to grow and create a large positive community over several games!

We have our own Discord server for voice communications and our own website for posting gaming info and organising in-game events!

Our requirements are:
Language - English
WN8 - 1000
Age - 18+
Play time - 21:00 PM to 00:00

We will be looking to take part in the global map clan wars and will participate in stronghold battles.

Feel free to apply and we will look over your application.

Статистика клана

Количество членов: 20

Ø битв3322
Ø WN81191,30
Ø процент побед50,84%

Члены клана

Статистика стычек


История клана

Имя игрокаИзменениеДата