[NAA] Noob Aces of Andy

It's just a game and we are NOOB ACES!


This is a small clan for people who want to play WoT as a fun time spending hobby and they never get to seriously the word PLAY. Because this is just a game and nothing more.

If you are working hard to get more XP or medals or you are trying hard to finish some special event then you need to become a professional player. But not in this clan. We are just trying to get into the flow, feeling good ourselves, spending fun time in the game but never feel like a job. We have families, children and jobs. That is the the place for work, not in a game.

So play if you want and have fun! No more!

Ps.: We are mostly Hungarians but if you are willing to join our clan then no worries. Hit that button! ;)

Статистика клана

Количество членов: 5

Ø битв8612
Ø WN8796,17
Ø процент побед48,79%

Члены клана

#Имя игрока30D WN830D BattlesWN8Ø процент победСраженияПоследняя битваПозицияСоединился
1pocshuszar0,0001148,2251,61%9024Командир подразделения
3vgtbr0,000679,7147,97%8515Заместитель командующего
4crowjoe0,000444,8745,45%13631Офицер вербовки
5Mathew_Ace0,000201,3745,13%483Заместитель командующего

Статистика стычек

#Имя игрока7D Battles30D Battles

История клана

Имя игрокаИзменениеДата