It's Just A Game! Je balkanski klan koji je osnovan prvenstveno zbog Clan Warova, Strongholda, ESL-a , te dobre zabave!
Za ulazak u klan potrebno je:
- Proporcionalan WN8 klana ili veci
- Minimalno 4 top tier tenka za clan war
- TS3 radi lakse komunikacije
- Minimalna aktivnost 3 - 4 dana tokom nedjelje
Kontakt osobe:
- PrelogBoy ili Krnjevac89
It's Just A Game! Is also an internacional clan who is created firstly for Clan Wars, Strongholds, ESL and for good fun.
If u want entry the clan, u must have:
- U must have the same or greater WN8 of clan
- Minimal 4 top tier tanks useable in clan wars
- TS3 beacuse of easier comunication
- Minimal activity 3 - 4 days a week
Contact persons:
- PrelogBoy or Krnjevac89
Good Luck On The Battlefield, Fellow Tankers!