[BDCAT] Kötü Kedi

Bad Cats are here !


Arkadaslar gelismekte olan Klanimiz icin takim oyununa hevesli , klan maclarina aktif olarak katilacak, sadece bireysel degil grup olarak calisabilecek arkadaslara kapimiz her daim aciktir.


WN8: 1600
Recent: +2200 ( at least on last 2K battle )
En az / at least 3 x Tier 10, 3 x Tier 8, 3 x Tier 6 Tanks. (Klan Savaşı uyumlu tank)

Teamspeak3: ts.bdcat.biz

Bad Cats are here ! we are building a clan for the success
We are looking for tankers with;
- active team player,
- the Clan Wars(CW) and Stronghold (SH) participation is mandatory,
- Not only efficient as individual player, but also efficient in team-play
-TS3 is mandatory
You can contact with clan leaders anytime on TS3 or in-game-chat

for English pls contact; altarian34


Статистика клана

Количество членов: 3

Ø битв59
Ø WN81066,84
Ø процент побед52,84%

Члены клана

Статистика стычек


История клана

Имя игрокаИзменениеДата