[AMBT] Aim Might Be Trash

Turbo and Grousers all the way!


This is a community clan of ScorpianyTheGOAT (https://www.twitch.tv/scorpianythemonke)
Creating a fun and chill place for people to enjoy the game

Requirements to join our fine establishment:
- Access to a microphone and Discord
- Speak English

To join the clan send us a DM in-game or contact our moderators

Scorps Discord:

Responsible mods: (In-game name/Discord tag)
Krystian350 / krystoforo
Zee_Elmo / zee_elmo

Статистика клана

Количество членов: 18

Ø битв11112
Ø WN81784,99
Ø процент побед52,57%

Члены клана

Статистика стычек


История клана

Имя игрокаИзменениеДата
BoqqiСоединился21.03.2025, 06:58 UTC
Krystian350Вышел 07.03.2025, 09:05 UTC
xGalacticWolfСоединился25.02.2025, 01:08 UTC