[SGTA] St. Gloriana Training Academy

"No matter how fast we go, or no matter how bumpy the road is, we won't spill our tea."


St. Gloriana Training Academy Girls is the training clan for [SGGC] St Gloriana Girls College is actively seeking new, active members to come join us to Platoon, Participate in Strongholds and hang out and play games. We’re a fun loving bunch who make lots of jokes and kid around. We’re “thematically” British in the Girls und Panzer way. While many of us like Anime, others don’t so that isn’t a requirement. We have a proud and fun alliance with our sister clan [OARAI] Oarai Girls' Academy.

We play a variety of games together including World of Tanks, World of Warship, and War Thunder. We communicate through Teamspeak and have a good time.

This clan is for those wishing to Join SGGC and wishing to learn more about World of Tanks.

- Age of 16 years or prove to be mature enough.
- At least one Tier IV
- 100 Battles
- TeamSpeak 3 usage is Required in SH and Events. Mic not required, just ears.

Статистика клана

Количество членов: 2

Ø битв6
Ø WN8432,95
Ø процент побед50,00%

Члены клана

#Имя игрока30D WN830D BattlesWN8Ø процент победСраженияПоследняя битваПозицияСоединился
2boomjinx120,0000,00N/A0Заместитель командующего

Статистика стычек

#Имя игрока7D Battles30D Battles

История клана

Имя игрокаИзменениеДата