[SBW2] Short Bus Warriors 2

You only get better by trying.


Short Bus Warriors 2 is the sub clan for Short Bus Warriors. It is both a training learning clan for those who wish to learn the game. As well as a clan for those who don’t have the time to commit to the main clan. We share a TS.
We will be doing strongholds, Members will be required to be in TeamSpeak 3 while in game. Members will be required to join in on clan functions. WE will not tolerate any drama of any kind. First sign of drama the person or persons causing it, will be removed from the clan. You need to have thick skin as well. We joke and have a good time.

Must be 18
Must have a good attitude.
Need to speak English.
All other will be on a case by case basis

Статистика клана

Количество членов: 3

Ø битв11000
Ø WN81350,09
Ø процент побед51,64%

Члены клана

#Имя игрока30D WN830D BattlesWN8Ø процент победСраженияПоследняя битваПозицияСоединился
1Dave__2920,0005221,7192,31%13Заместитель командующего
3__I_AM_LOST__0,000925,1754,19%382Офицер по личному составу

Статистика стычек

#Имя игрока7D Battles30D Battles

История клана

Имя игрокаИзменениеДата