No Campers is looking for the mature ***NON CAMPING*** dedicated daily team players and Service Member's too. We like play tiers 1 through 10 although Tier 6's and 8'S that are suitable for skirmishes are a must. We would like to do tier 10's as well. All members are required to have and use Teamspeak3 for clan participation. If there are 2 or more clan mates on WOT they should be in TS. (This is a free download at If you are interested in Team play, improving your play, and general fellowship with your clan mates, this may be the clan for you.
You are welcome to come and Toon or Skirmish with us. Make yourself at home and decide if we are the clan for you.
Always remember: It's just a Fucking game. So let's play together, grow together and above all "Let's have FUN together."