[HMMR] The Hammers of Tilt

Cold, Hard, Deliverers of Tilt


Describing an angry or "reeling" state of mind usually caused by a big or unluck loss. People playing on tilt play below their usual abillity and usually make larger and more aggressive bets to try to quickly recover their loss. People known to be prone to tilting are often taunted or generally aggravated when they take a loss and then egged on when they do tilt in order to keep them in this state as long as possible.

Статистика клана

Количество членов: 1

Ø битв3839
Ø WN81162,74
Ø процент побед53,27%

Члены клана

#Имя игрока30D WN830D BattlesWN8Ø процент победСраженияПоследняя битваПозицияСоединился

Статистика стычек

#Имя игрока7D Battles30D Battles

История клана

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