Yes we are a new clan. We got tired of the same old "dictatorship" attitudes of all the rest, so we are trying something new. we base our structure on being a "Club" where all are equal and given a voice as to what we do. The rank system that we employ is based on that of a "biker" club. Everyone is a soldier with equal value and have a part in all decisions. There are no sgt's, captn's, etc. We have a founder and a few well trusted members to help keep order and maintain a non-egotistic attitude.
Teamspeak is required to be used in game - commo is essential in all game modes
We prefer you to have Tier 6 or above but can work with you on that.
This may or may not be something for you, but if interested come visit n check us out.
Teamspeak = --- Password = 6969
Safe riding n TY