[DV] Deja Vu

Speed, Surprise, and Violence of Action.


We are looking for players who are looking to grow with time and work towards constant improvement. We expect all members to remain respectful, while still relaxing and having a good time.

Overall wn8 of 1000 or higher
1250+ Recent wn8
At least 2 tier 6 viable Clan Wars tanks with full Brothers in Arms.
At least 2 tier 8 viable Clan Wars tanks with full Brothers in Arms.
TeamSpeak 3 is required as well as a working mic. Use of TS during clan related gameplay is also a requirement.

What to expect:
We have fun.
We play tier 6 and 8 Strongholds and Clan Wars nightly.
We platoon all throughout the day.

If interested submit an application or contact Corpsegutter or V1king.

For diplomacy comms, please contact us on TeamSpeak 3 at lithium.typefrag.com:7760

Clan song:

Статистика клана

Количество членов: 89

Ø битв22600
Ø WN81224,57
Ø процент побед49,66%

Члены клана


История клана

Имя игрокаИзменениеДата
UnlikeableВышел 21.03.2025, 23:15 UTC
UnlikeableСоединился20.03.2025, 23:35 UTC
ThorcanaquecСоединился16.03.2025, 11:17 UTC
calebojeСоединился04.03.2025, 00:31 UTC
_QuatroQuatroСоединился03.03.2025, 20:38 UTC
GenitalWartСоединился02.03.2025, 04:05 UTC
Dirty_ChuckСоединился02.03.2025, 03:08 UTC
j1nuВышел 24.02.2025, 08:32 UTC