[DRAG0] KillerDragons

Stand Together We are Family


Thank you for joining DRAGO! We are a clan that accepts any one that plays world of tanks with a passion. We don't care if you suck because in the world we live in we all learn to crawl, walk, then run and you will run faster when you have the right support, as your big brother I see to your learning and I love to mess around. - anyone that concerned about stats relax- You will get better I know it we ll will.

We are all about Family here!

-Ryde -Your Brother in Arms-

Статистика клана

Количество членов: 11

Ø битв5973
Ø WN8556,16
Ø процент побед45,83%

Члены клана

Статистика стычек


История клана

Имя игрокаИзменениеДата
Ryde_SniperВышел 26.12.2024, 01:01 UTC