[303RD] 303rd Tank Battalion (Misfits)

Kick reason to the curb and surpass the impossible, that's the 303rd way


We're a clan of friends looking for a place to get together and play WoT, really quite simple. If you're looking to make some friends in tanks to help with that one bothersome grind or just to play around with in free time, this is a clan for you.

Sense of humor required
Skill recommended
English speaking required (not everyone is russian)
Active players recommended


this clan does plan on clan wars in the future when more players have tier 8 or 9 tanks but a tier 8 or 9 is not required to be in this clan. this clan isn't meant to be a huge list of you must be this or must have this, the only thing we ask is that you have a want to be in a group of people that want to have fun.

Статистика клана

Количество членов: 9

Ø битв5743
Ø WN8807,46
Ø процент побед46,04%

Члены клана

Статистика стычек


История клана

Имя игрокаИзменениеДата