[-RX-] RX GAMING (rx-gaming.net)


We are an online community of dedicated 18 and up PC gamers. We were founded on one underlying principle – RESPECT. Respect for our fellow gamers, and respect for the games we play. Along with respect comes a core value that we strongly believe in and foster: MATURITY. We hold ourselves to a very high standard and expect all of our members to do the same. That means no trash talking, no verbal abuse, or things of that nature.

One of our many goals is to bring gaming to the next level. We want to create an exciting and friendly place for all gamers to have fun and make new friends.

We have an awesome staff of dedicated gamers who keep the website constantly updated, run clan tournaments, and provide constant feedback and support in all areas of gaming culture.

Статистика клана

Количество членов: 4

Ø битв38
Ø WN8389,54
Ø процент побед42,38%

Члены клана

#Имя игрока30D WN830D BattlesWN8Ø процент победСраженияПоследняя битваПозицияСоединился
2rxcurly0,000199,2038,81%67Заместитель командующего
3RX_Unboxed0,000145,0053,33%15Заместитель командующего
4doverdave0,0000,4037,93%29Заместитель командующего

Статистика стычек

#Имя игрока7D Battles30D Battles

История клана

Имя игрокаИзменениеДата