[-IGC-] Clan Impact

A Community of Friends


[IGC] Clan Impact - World of Tanks actively participates on the Global Map. We seek casual and active skilled tankers that can help us succeed in Clan Wars, but without the toxicity and demands typical of top clans. We also seek tankers looking to improve their game play.

Join us on Discord! ( https://discord.gg/Qfqu27j )


Originally formed in 1996 as a Quakeworld competition clan, Clan Impact has left a mark in many games over the years. Battlefield series, Call of Duty series, Counter Strike, Everquest, Quake series, Rainbow Six, Rogue Spear, Star Siege Tribes, Starcraft, and World of Warcraft all had organized Clan Impact representation. Other games as well.

<Clan Impact> emerged as a top guild in Everquest on the Innoruuk server when we were the third guild on the server to defeat Aaryonar at the gates of North Temple of Veeshan.

[IGC] Clan Impact - Call of Duty teams won cash money among other really nice prizes.

We are a community of friends that span many games.

Статистика клана

Количество членов: 85

Ø битв24844
Ø WN81680,03
Ø процент побед52,23%

Члены клана


История клана

Имя игрокаИзменениеДата
ThunderMcJusticeВышел 26.12.2024, 01:01 UTC
ccffВышел 24.12.2024, 23:15 UTC
NamtabВышел 24.12.2024, 23:15 UTC
BlaskiiВышел 24.12.2024, 20:31 UTC
Monke2Вышел 24.12.2024, 20:25 UTC
Son1K42Вышел 24.12.2024, 20:24 UTC
cjrapВышел 24.12.2024, 20:23 UTC
KDRover9000Вышел 24.12.2024, 20:22 UTC
azura94Вышел 24.12.2024, 20:21 UTC
SusRattВышел 24.12.2024, 20:18 UTC
WorldsLastHopeВышел 18.12.2024, 01:17 UTC
PostHoleDiggerВышел 08.12.2024, 10:16 UTC